Current status

All systems operational

Planned maintenance


Start time: 2023-11-04 13:00 UTC
End time: 2023-11-05 18:00 UTC

During the above window, our DevOps team will be performing maintenance on our cloud infrastructure.

Expected Impact:
These upgrades are designed and tested to be seamless but there can be short outages of our services. If an unexpected issue arises, our services may experience a temporary loss of connectivity. We will endeavor to keep any such impact to a minimum.

Network Maintenance

Start time: 2023-06-08 04:00 UTC
End time: 2023-06-08 08:00 UTC

During the above window, our Networking team will be performing maintenance on core switches in our datacenter as a part of network upgrades.

Expected Impact:
These upgrades are designed and tested to be seamless and we do not expect any impact to customer traffic due to this maintenance. If an unexpected issue arises, our services may experience a temporary loss of connectivity. We will endeavor to keep any such impact to a minimum.

Past incidents

Monitoring Checkup - Resolved

Services operational

Monitoring Checkup - Issues detected

Automatic monitoring checkup found minor outage with duration less than 5 minutes.

Monitoring Checkup - Resolved

Services operational

Monitoring Checkup - Raised status

Automatic monitoring checkup status raised to Major outage.

Monitoring Checkup - Resolved

Services operational